Kodathi Village and its adjoining areas needs undivided attention and a good amount of visits before we hang our boots…Gem of a place for birding. It has the right mix of open land on one side. trees on the other, paddy fields, Nice tar road which hardly sees vehicle movement and lots of electricity poles all around. Can we ask for any better setting for birds? 🙂

I used to wonder why i am not able to spot Indian Roller and its one bird which has surprisingly eluded me for a long time…My first sighting happened here and trust me…the bird was not at all happy 🙂 have a look at his face.

Not seen a bird before, Eh?

I made another visit to the same place 2 days later and hit upon an early migrant pecking away at its worms… A Green sandpiper! Yes, the migratory birds have started.

Green Sandpiper